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Theatre and Dance Inquiry


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Sarah Ruhl's Award-winning play kicks off spring season

February 3, 2014

Dead Man's Cell Phone runs February 14-23 at the Oscar G. Brockett Theatre.

PPP Graduate Student Featured in Austin American Statesman

January 31, 2014 | Department of Theatre & Dance

Performances as Public Practice student Scott Blackshire was the featured consultant for the Austin American Statesman article "Honoring gay history in Texas." 

Two dancers reaching to the sky with blue light swirling around them

Theatre and Dance's Integrated Media Program Highlighted in "American Theatre"

January 14, 2014 | American Theatre

Stage technology has changed the way theatre is made. So who’s training the new makers? American Theatre points to UT Austin and the work led by Professor Charles Otte.

UT Theatre and Dance Community Recognized in The Austin Chronicle's "Top 10 of 2013"

January 6, 2014

Department of Theatre and Dance productions, students, faculty, alumni and friends named in the 2013 list of standout performances.

A couple runs from the reach of a zombie

All Over Creation: Nativity

December 12, 2013 | The Austin Chronicle

A new musical by the 'Urinetown' team is born on the 40 Acres, and the chorus line craves bra-a-ains.

UTNT (UT New Theatre) Plays Announced for 2014 Series

December 2, 2013

The annual showcase of new plays returns this spring with works by Reina Hardy, Abe Koogler, William Anderson, David Turkel, Katie Bender, and Briandaniel Oglesby.

Zombie Musical by Tony Award-Winning Duo Workshopped at UT

December 1, 2013

Mark Hollmann and Greg Kotis (Urinetown) tap UT talents in development of new musical

From Field to Stage: Alumnus Luke Leonard and "Bum Phillips All-American Opera"

November 21, 2013

One of the principles in the creation of new work is a combination of the old and the new: finding iconic stories and telling them in unique and exciting ways. Luke Leonard (M.F.A. 2010) takes this to heart with his new project.

Theatre and Dance presents new play by Katie Bender

November 14, 2013

The Fault runs December 3-7 at the Oscar G. Brockett Theatre

B. Iden Payne Awards Announced and Celebrated

November 6, 2013

Theatre and Dance is among the winners