Theatre and Dance Shines at Annual Education Conference


July 25, 2013

Department of Theatre and Dance faculty, students and alumni are being honored this week at American Alliance for Theatre and Education’s (AATE) annual conference in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1936, AATE is among the most recognized arts education organizations. AATE connects and inspires a growing collective of theatre artists, educators, and scholars committed to transforming young people and communities through the theatre arts. Through its membership, AATE serves more than one million students across the globe.
The 2013 award winners include:

Professor Katie Dawson, recipient of the Creative Drama Award, honoring her outstanding achievement and service as a creative drama specialist

Sarah Howe Coleman (M.F.A. 2012), recipient of the Distinguished Thesis Award for Theatre and Citizenship: Playbuilding with English Language Learner Youth

Lindsay Hearn (M.F.A. candidate), recipient of the Don and Elizabeth Doyle Fellowship

Professor Joan Lazarus and research partner Dr. Amy Peterson Jensen (Brigham Young University), recipients of the Research Award Honorable Mention for Theatre Teacher Beliefs About Quality Practice in the Secondary Theatre Classroom: An Ethnographic Study

Gabriel Jason Dean (M.F.A. 2012) and Dramatic Publishing, recipients of the Distinguished Play Award for The Transition of Doodle Pequeño

Learn more about our Drama and Theatre for Youth and Communities program, our faculty and students.