Deen Rawlins-Harris is a theatremaker, educator and organizer from Boston, Massachusetts. They received their bachelor's degree from Bucknell University, majoring in education and political science. Rawlins-Harris is a M.F.A. candidate at The University of Texas at Austin in the Department of Theatre and Dance specializing in drama and theatre for youth and communities. In their work, Rawlins-Harris regularly designs and implements dynamic art and culture events with the support of youth leaders. They are the current co-chair of the American Alliance for Theatre and Education's Research Network Committee and TC Squared Theatre Company (Cambridge, Massachusetts) board member. A few of Rawlins-Harris' recent awards include The Point Foundation BIPOC Scholar Award (2022-2023), Texas Educational Theatre Association Founders Scholar Award (2022-2023) and Planet Texas 2050 Artist Fellowship Award (2022-2023). Their professional experience includes creating Company One's BosTEEN Artist Nights (Boston, Massachusetts), programming the 2019 Arts & Culture Apprentice & Intern Fair with Shakespeare Theatre Company and Arena Stage (Washington, D.C.) and organizing Philadelphia's 2018 Youth Pride hosted by the Mazzoni Center. Rawlins-Harris is creating and facilitating the Youth Producer Program with Fusebox Festival (Austin, Texas), an immersive youth leadership training program in which youth program a city-wide festival for youth by youth.