August 29, 2012
Patrons are invited to attend a performance rehearsal of UT’s award-winning student troupe, Dance Repertory Theatre. Led by Department of Theatre and Dance faculty members Lyn Wiltshire and Charles O. Anderson, Dance Repertory Theatre will present six dances created for the upcoming Young Tanzsommer International Festival in Austria. Dance Repertory Theatre has presented at this prestigious event since 2004.
When: June 21, 2012 at 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Where: Anna Hiss Gym Room 134
The rehearsal is free and open to the public. Seating is limited.
Dance works include:
Put Your Hands On Me by Caitlin Poulton
GROW by Andrea Beckham
High Five Jive by Mariclaire Gamble and Lisa Kobdish
Rite by Charles O. Anderson
Two Modes of Action by Lyn C. Wiltshire
Sing! Sing! Sing! by Natasha Davison
For more information, contact the Department of Theatre and Dance at 512.471.5793