Join PPP's Fridays@2 speaker series for presentations by doctoral candidates Khristián Méndez Aguirre and siri gurudev.
The Performance as Public Practice Fridays@2 speaker series facilitates discussions about the creation and study of performance. PPP welcomes artists from within and beyond the Winship Drama Building, including current students, distinguished alumni and arts leaders from across the country, to share their research and methodology. Up next, Ph.D. candidates Khristián Méndez Aguirre and siri gurudev will share their current doctoral research.
About siri gurudev
siri gurudev's transnational research looks at the role of the spiritual realm in performance processes and works by queer and trans artists in the Americas with a focus on Mexico, Brazil and Colombia. gurudev argues that artists use what they call “spiritual archives” as a decolonizing worldmaking tool that allows them to repair and develop their connection with the sacred. Their work lives at the intersection of critical spirituality, performance studies, theater studies, queer studies, Black Feminist Thought, Indigenous Studies and practice as research (PAR).
About Khristián Méndez Aguirre
Khristián Méndez Aguirre (he/el) is a 4th-year Ph.D. candidate in Performance as Public Practice program originally from Guatemala City. His research proposes a framework to articulate, analyze and evaluate the environmental potential of theatre performance and production by organizing the existing approaches to this question within the field of theatre and performance studies. He applies this framework to three bodies of work from the Americas / Abya Yala, foregrounding the many kinds of interventions already being made by artists. A preliminary artifact of his research is an on-going database of the 50+ approaches to environment and theater that can be found at
November 11 at 2:00 p.m.
WIN 2.112
A virtual option for attending this session is available via Zoom.
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