Event Details
By Lucy Prebble
Directed by Hannah Wolf
A true story of false profits, ENRON follows the astounding rise and fall of the Houston-based energy company. Presented as an epic myth, featuring a cast of all women and non-binary actors, ENRON takes us through the twists and turns of capitalism, the glamour of greed and the toxic adrenaline of success. Witness the depth of deceit that led to one of the largest financial scandals in history.
The running time for ENRON is approximately two hours and thirty minutes and includes one intermission.
Reviews and Inside Look
- ENRON Engaging and Thought Provoking High Tech Entertainment - Broadway World
- UT Department of Theatre and Dance's ENRON - The Austin Chronicle
- UT Production of ENRON Takes On Toxic Masculinity of American Corporate Culture - Austin American-Statesman
- UT Theatre and Dance Challenges its Audience with 'ENRON' and its All-Women and Non-Binary Cast - The Daily Texan
- Jurassic Quest: Students Combine Design, Science and Technology to Build Animatronic Raptor Suits for the play 'ENRON' - The College of Fine Arts
- Understanding Scandal: UT's Department of Theatre and Dance Discuss Corporate Culture and Corruption - The Daily Texan
- Artists and Engineers Work Together to Bring Animatronic Dinosaurs to Life - The Daily Texan
- Gender, Masculinity and Casting in 'ENRON' - Off Book: A Theatre and Dance Blog
- Meet the Cast: ENRON - Off Book: A Theatre and Dance Blog
- Toxic Masculinity and ENRON - Off Book: A Theatre and Dance Blog
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