April 3-7, 2023
The Cohen New Works Festival is a biennial celebration of new, bold, risk-taking, future-thinking, cutting-edge, no-holds-barred, adjective-filled, original performance! The festival welcomes and encourages artists from any discipline to join us in a week-long celebration of student-led performance.
Learn about the 2023 projects and their creative teams.
Faculty Producers: Kirk Lynn, Patrick Shaw, Dorothy O'Shea Overbey, Erica "eg" Gionfriddo, Corey Allen, Rusty Cloyes
The Cohen New Works Festival Executive Committee (2023): Braxton Rae, Malena Pennycook, Renita James, Zach Ezer, Victoria Vargas, Heaven Wilburn, Madeleine Berckley, Emma Winder, Clare Meyer, Jenny Lavery, Ellie Newton, Rachel Green, Karina Enriquez, Emily Green, Ashleigh Taylor, Grant Gilker, William Kauffmann, Sarah "Selliott" Elliott, Morgan Randall, Kat Clark
Photos by Thomas Allison.