Alumni Resources

Graduates wearing regalia; UT Austin

We are proud of our alumni - our Longhorn family - a collection of vibrant actors, writers, scholars, educators, designers, entrepreneurs and community leaders. They have been recognized with prestigious awards, including Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, Tony Awards and the Pulitzer Prize in Drama.

We are honored to celebrate their wide-ranging accomplishments in our news.

Alumni of the department are encouraged to stay in touch with the following options:

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Alumni in the News

Four alumni form Flat Tire Theatre Company in Los Angeles

May 18, 2017 | Hollywood Fringe Festival

Martin Rodriguez (B.F.A., Theatre Studies, 2015), Amanda Lloyd (B.A., Theatre Studies, 2014), Sarah Marcum (B.F.A., Theatre Studies, 2014) and Shae Tomlinson (B.A., Theatre and Dance, 2015) formed Flat Tire Theatre Company in Los Angeles. They will perform in their second Hollywood Fringe Festival this year with a show titled CringeFest: An Uncomfortable Anthology. 

A poster for Dan Duling's play Tesla

Dan Duling latest play opening at Laguna Playhouse

May 15, 2017 | Laguna Playhouse

Dan Duling’s (Ph.D., Drama, 1977) play “Tesla: A Radio Play for the Stage” will be performed May 26-28 at Laguna Playhouse in Laguna Beach, California. He also is the scriptwriter at Pageant of the Masters in Laguna and their latest production, “The Grand Tour,” which opens July 7.

A portrait of Naomi Boyd

Naomi Boyd named endowed professor at West Virginia University

May 15, 2017 | West Virginia University

Naomi Boyd (B.F.A., Dance, 1999) was named an endowed professor at West Virginia University. She is currently the department chair for the Department of Finance and an associate producer in the College of Business and Economics. She is also the founding director for the new Center for Financial Literacy and Education which houses many programs in wealth management, banking and insurance, as well as research opportunities and support for faculty projects to further the center.

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Show your support for the next generation of artists, scholars and creatives at the Department of Theatre and Dance by donating to the department or attending an event. 



Recent graduates of the Department of Theatre and Dance may be eligible for discounted season tickets. Email for more information.