Alumni Resources

Graduates wearing regalia; UT Austin

We are proud of our alumni - our Longhorn family - a collection of vibrant actors, writers, scholars, educators, designers, entrepreneurs and community leaders. They have been recognized with prestigious awards, including Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, Tony Awards and the Pulitzer Prize in Drama.

We are honored to celebrate their wide-ranging accomplishments in our news.

Alumni of the department are encouraged to stay in touch with the following options:

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Alumni in the News

Michael J. Love will be performing as part of Princeton University's REACTIVATING MEMORY

Aug. 27, 2021 | Lewis Center Princeton

REACTIVATING MEMORY is a virtual symposium marking the one hundred year anniversary of SHUFFLE ALONG on Broadway and the Tulsa Race Massacre that took place a week later. Love (M.F.A., Performance as Public Practice, 2020) will be performing this September.

Rudy Ramirez recently directed REWRITTEN: A LOVE STORY LOST, a site-specific piece conceived and co-created by alum Tom Truss

Aug. 27, 2021 | The Edge

Staged at Herman Melville's Arrowhead in Massachusetts, Ramirez's (M.A., Performance as Public Practice, 2012) production utilized movement and written text to investigate the deep and possibly romantic relationship between writers Herman Melville and Nathaniel Hawthorn, portrayed by Truss (M.F.A., Acting, 2010).

Annie Ulrich was featured in USITT's podcast "TECHnically Speaking"

Aug. 27, 2021 | iHeart Spreaker

Ulrich (M.F.A., Costume Technology, 2021) was featured after receiving the 2021 Barbara Matera Award for Costume Making.

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Recent graduates of the Department of Theatre and Dance may be eligible for discounted season tickets. Email for more information.