Alumni Resources

Graduates wearing regalia; UT Austin

We are proud of our alumni - our Longhorn family - a collection of vibrant actors, writers, scholars, educators, designers, entrepreneurs and community leaders. They have been recognized with prestigious awards, including Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, Tony Awards and the Pulitzer Prize in Drama.

We are honored to celebrate their wide-ranging accomplishments in our news.

Alumni of the department are encouraged to stay in touch with the following options:

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Alumni in the News

Carlen Gilseth (M.F.A. '92) of The Woodlands High School and Billy Dragoo (B.F.A. '87) of Austin High School

April 29, 2008

direct students competing in the 82nd Annual State One-Act Play contest in Austin, TX

Sets and props designed by James Walters [B.F.A. '69)]

April 6, 2008

appear in episode of “N.C.I.S.“ The episode entitled “Stakeout” airs Tuesday, April 8th.

Oregon Shakespeare Festival presents "Coriolanus"

March 17, 2008

directed by former M.F.A. in Directing Student, Laird Williamson. “Coriolanus” runs March 26 – November 2.

Show Your Support

Show your support for the next generation of artists, scholars and creatives at the Department of Theatre and Dance by donating to the department or attending an event. 



Recent graduates of the Department of Theatre and Dance may be eligible for discounted season tickets. Email for more information.