Julia Kreutzer is pursuing her M.F.A. in Theatre with a specialization in performance as public practice at The University of Texas at Austin. She graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.A. in English Writing and Political Science, and a minor in Theatre Arts. Kreutzer earned a Brackenridge Honors Research Fellowship and a Summer Undergraduate Research Award for her research on the impact of LGBTQ+ centric theatre on the Queer Liberation Movement and instances of homonationalism on the international stage. She now works as a theatre-maker across multiple disciplines: acting, directing, writing and education. As an actor and director, she has worked with Pittsburgh Musical Theater, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, the New Hazlett Theatre and more. She served as a part-time lecturer in theatre arts at the University of Pittsburgh, a resident artist at Pittsburgh Musical Theater and a teaching artist with Pittsburgh Public Theater. Most recently, she served as The Alloy School Coordinator at the Kelly Strayhorn Theater, where she worked to establish equitable opportunities for performance and arts education, particularly for LGBTQ+ and BIPOC community members. Her current practice investigates the deployment of theatre and literature in the conception and distortion of lesbian identity throughout the twentieth century.