Yuge Ma

She / Her / Hers

Headshot of Yuge

Yuge Ma is a M.F.A. in Theatre student with a specialization in performance as public practice at The University of Texas at Austin. Her research and creative practice focus on art and theatre that deal with themes recurring in marginalized populations, such as pain, refusal, neglect, phobias, atrocities, death and unmentionable love. She is particularly interested in the use of violence and non-representational approaches to theatrical expressions that give us insights into our surroundings and help us confront the world we happen to inhabit. Originally from China, Ma holds a B.A. in Philosophy and Dramatic Literature from New York University, with a minor in creative writing. In 2021-22, she served as an associate producer and copywriter for over ten commercial projects, a professional experience that allows her to reconsider the effective relationship between aesthetic value, sociocultural policies and economic conditions.


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